In-depth investigations and long-form analysis of the key institutions, industries, and live players who drive global technology, geopolitics, and industry. Delivered to your inbox every Wednesday at 2pm GMT sharp.

In 2017, I founded Bismarck Analysis to help companies, governments, philanthropists, and investors better understand the world. Understanding the world is a prerequisite to pursuing the right strategy to accomplish your goals. The lens through which I view the world, Great Founder Theory, proposes that the world is a landscape of institutions, both functional and not, robotically pursuing objectives set by their founders. Live players navigate this landscape and may found institutions—or use other methods—to pursue their unique goals, shaping economic, political, cultural, and intellectual outcomes worldwide.

To understand these institutions and players is to understand the world as best as we can. Headquartered in downtown San Francisco, our firm works closely with investors, philanthropists, companies, and governments to make unique, qualitative, and long-term improvements in their strategy and performance. Since confidentiality is often key to our work, Bismarck Analysis has released only a handpicked selection of our analytical products to the public. To learn more about our work and team, read here.

With Bismarck Brief, we offer the best ongoing guide to the people, organizations, and fundamental forces driving the course of global events, equipping our paid subscribers with navigation-grade intelligence on the state of the world grounded in the unique and actionable concepts of Great Founder Theory. Our intelligent and sophisticated readership span the heights of technology, government, finance, nonprofit advocacy, and beyond.

A selection of professional and corporate affiliations of Bismarck Brief readers.

Whether investigating breakthrough innovators like Nvidia or TSMC, the architects and pilots of Washington’s influential bureaucracies, emerging technologies like drones and self-driving cars, the unique governments of Dubai and Monaco, or China’s rising industries in nuclear power, advanced semiconductors, and robots, paid subscribers can expect to be guided through the fundamentals, strategic relevance, and likely futures of the subject at hand, gaining both an informed generalist’s grasp of the core dynamics driving events, as well as new insights into the shape and structure of the global economy and power landscape. You can read a selection of Briefs we have made available to the public at no cost here.

In rigor, scope, and punctuality, there is no other product out there like the Brief. Since launching in 2021, we have issued over 150 Briefs. No other publication goes through as much strain and effort to reconcile and connect the vast scope of subjects and viewpoints investigated, and unifies such disparate analyses into a single coherent picture of the world. This not only informs our readers and saves them valuable time, but makes the Brief an informational and intelligence product like no other: an atlas of institutions, industries, new technologies, fundamental economic and demographic trends, and live players, capturing modern civilization in unprecedented and interconnected detail. On subjects ranging from energy to semiconductors to powerful family dynasties, the Brief is already a must-read wealth of knowledge. To learn more about the scope of Bismarck Brief, read here.

Bismarck Briefs issued through October 2024 as seen on a world map. You can browse all Briefs by geographical location with The Geographical Bismarck Brief here.

Rather than novelty or “newsworthiness,” our subject selection is informed by the Bismarck team’s collective years of experience in analyzing the fundamentals that drive world affairs. This approach helps us deliver the most important insights and models to our readers in the shortest amount of time, saving them valuable time and money compared to serial consumers of news and social media while also building deep knowledge of relevant topics. Cheap news comes with a high cost:

Estimated average amount of time spent annually, in hours, to stay informed using various methods.

The case study model forms the core of our research method, since every subject of analysis is necessarily far too unique to be explained in purely statistical terms, or only by reference to broader trends. Each Brief is thus an in-depth case study examining the origins, ideologies, functions, competitors, future prospects, and more, of the chosen subject, with proposed implications for wider society. Through an analysis of the most important necessary facts, the Bismarck Brief provides strategically useful conclusions and gives you, the reader, a wider, deeper, and more timely understanding of the global strategic landscape.

This methodical, theory-driven approach is what makes it possible for the Brief to achieve feats like outperforming the S&P 500. Three years of data show that live player-led companies outperform others by far, followed by functional institutions, strategically-relevant institutions, and only then the consensus of passive market investors. Bismarck Brief is not financial or investment advice (see full disclaimer below).1 But our tireless search for the world’s most strategically and technologically impactful organizations, including companies, can provide a valuable perspective to investors that is upstream of dead player consensus. To learn more about the performance of publicly-traded companies profiled in Bismarck Brief, read here.

Comparison of share price performance of publicly-traded companies since first Bismarck Brief profile to September 1, 2024. Data from Yahoo! Finance. Includes all companies from November 2021 to May 2024.

Since launching in 2021, our analysts have written nearly a million words on new technologies, global industry, and live players. Many of our insights, observations, and models of economics and politics do not fit neatly into any specific Brief, but are valuable and important to consider nonetheless. You can read our 27 most important insights from three years of the Brief here.

If you aren’t already a paid subscriber, I warmly invite you to become one and join us on this ongoing investigation of the global economic and power landscape, with a new in-depth investigation in your inbox every Wednesday at 2pm GMT sharp:


Samo Burja

Founder and President, Bismarck Analysis


Disclaimer: Bismarck Brief does not offer financial or investment advice. This content is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional financial, investment, or other advice. All content is of a general nature and does not address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Nothing in this site constitutes professional, financial, or investment advice. Bismarck Analysis is not a fiduciary by virtue of any person’s use or access to Bismarck Brief or this content. Investing in securities carries the risk of losing funds.

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Intelligence-grade analysis of key industries, organizations, and live players.


Founder and President of Bismarck Analysis.